Dr. Murphy writes: "This is a great opportunity for you to share your work with
other undergraduates in a scholarly atmosphere that’s not too stuffy.
Please check out the link below and feel free to come to me for help. We
had 5 students present last year. Let’s try to double that!"
The Language and Linguistics Student ConferenceSaturday, November 15, 2014Nigh University CenterUniversity of Central Oklahoma (Edmond)
“Students engaging, transforming, and empowering students”
Abstract submission deadline: Monday, September 22, 2014
Acceptance notification: Monday, October 6, 2014
Registration deadline: Monday, October 20, 2014
The Language and Linguistics Student Conference (LLSC) is now accepting submissions. Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to submit abstracts for individual presentations and organized panels. Individual presentations should be 12 to 15 minutes. Panel presenters may select a 50- or 65-minute time block. Presentation topics may include, but are not limited to, relationships between and among language, linguistics, and their many applications in
- natural and artificial languages
- indigenous languages
- extinct and endangered languages
- American Sign Language
- speech pathology and hearing sciences
- language and cognition
- theoretical and applied linguistics
- structural, semantic, or phonological analyses
- comparative grammars
- discourse/text analyses
- rhetoric, the arts, literature, and the humanities
- academic, pedagogical, cultural, and sociological constructs
SUBMISSIONS should be sent as an email attachment in MS Word format to langconf@gmail.com by Monday, September 22, 2014. Late submissions are not guaranteed consideration for presentation. Please include the title of the presentation at the top of the abstract without any personal identifying information; however, please include identifying information in the body of the email message.
- INDIVIDUAL SUBMISSIONS should consist of a titled abstract of no more than 150 words.
- PANEL SUBMISSIONS should be sent as a single document containing the title of the panel, a description of the panel's focus of no more than 200 words. If appropriate, panelists may submit a 150-word titled abstract along with the panel submission.
PRESENTATIONS may be readings or visual presentations. Please note: PowerPoint presentations only and must be PC compatible. PowerPoint must be delivered via flash drive. Internet connection is not guaranteed. No poster presentations will be accepted. Authors must currently be undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in at least three credit hours at an accredited college or university or must have graduated with a degree no earlier than December 2013.
PRESENTERS are eligible to submit a written copy of their conference presentation to be considered for the Dr. Amy Carrell Outstanding Achievement Award. The recipient of this prestigious award will be recognized at the conference and their paper will be published in the LLSC proceedings edition of the ScissorTale Review as the award-winning entry. Submission details and deadlines will be provided in the Abstract Acceptance Notification email.
PRESENTERS can also submit a written copy of their conference presentation to be considered for publication in the LLSC proceedings edition of the ScissorTale Review, the University of Central Oklahoma’s Department of English online student journal: http://www.libarts.uco.edu/english/newplains/scissortale.htm. Instructions for submission and further details will be provided in the Abstract Acceptance Notification email.
REGISTRATION includes the conference luncheon, tote bag, and access to all conference events.